
Costurando Certo Por Linhas Tortas: um estudo sobre práticas femininas no interior de igrejas pentecostais.

Tese de Doutorado de Claudirene Bandini

The present work aims to analyze women practices that seek to change their social conditions and achieve new status within social conventions. Through relational and historical analysis of gender, the object of this study is to detect to what extent these women practices break the current patriarchal system and to what extent they reproduce it. Working through oral history methodology, this research tries to identify the circumstances and power mechanisms that they utilize to fight racial, class, age and gender social discrimination. In a specific cultural, historical context, this study raises some points to ponder in order to understand on the one hand, the effective decision power that they exert and identify space and social status that they have conquered throughout time and, on the other hand, the religious discourse power upon the legitimation of gender power subordination relations.

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O Grupo TRAMA (Terra, Trabalho, Memória e Migração) dedica-se à pesquisa acadêmica e extensão. Está no PPGS da UFSCar, e é coordenado por Maria Ap De Moraes Silva.

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